About Us
We are the “church in the woods” dedicated to helping you connect to God and to one another.
We are a growing, vibrant, multi-generational congregation that seeks to know and follow the heart of God. Our services are centered around worship, prayer, and preaching the Word of God. If you’re looking to become a fully devoted follower of Christ and long to be part of a close-knit community, come and experience Evergreen. We can’t wait to welcome you.
Our Team
Paul Schultz
Lead Pastor
Mick Tiede
Associate Pastor
Jason Chew
Worship Leader
Katie Chew
Children’s Ministry Director
Our Story
Evergreen Missionary Church started in 1971 when Pastor Glenn and his wife, Norma Jean, started a home Bible study group. Nine years later, they founded Lowell Missionary Church with 12 charter members. With time, the building grew and so did the congregation! Today we still live into our core mission, connecting people to God and to each other.
Our Beliefs
Our Core Mission
“Connecting People to God and to Each Other”
Our Values
We aim to be a Church:
Where everyone knows your name
Where your relationship with God can grow
Where everyone experiences God’s love and is loved by one another
Where prodigals, doubters, and those with questions can find a safe place
Core Beliefs
The Bible tells one grand, unified story—a true account of the lavish and relentless love of God. It is a drama in four acts: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. It calls us—not simply to be spectators—but to respond with living faith. God calls us to believe—placing our trust in him, personally committing ourselves to him, and accepting the truth of the gospel.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three divine persons, equal in power and glory —Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe the entire Bible is the inspired word of God and completely trustworthy to equip each of us for every good work.
We believe that humanity was created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him, but became alienated from that relationship through rebellion. God desires all human beings to be restored to a right relationship with Him. Redemption—the gracious design by which God intends to rescue humanity from the disastrous consequences of sin—has its origin in the love of God and is brought to fruition by his infinite wisdom and might.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for our salvation. Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Salvation is a divine gift given to any who repent and believe. By the power of the Holy Spirit, a sinner must turn away from sin and embrace God—thus appropriating the benefits of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
We believe that a living faith must express itself in a life of loving obedience to God and in loving service to others. Genuine faith will inevitably produce good works, which are born out of gratitude for salvation and ultimately done for God’s glory. Christians are called to live by the power of the Holy Spirit as citizens of the kingdom, serving as God’s agents of transformation for society, culture, and the created world.
We believe that the invisible and universal Church is a spiritual body comprised of all believers, both living and dead—over which Christ himself is Head and Lord. The local church is to be a loving community of Christ’s followers who gather for worship, prayer, instruction in the Word, mutual encouragement and discipline. We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were instituted by the Lord Jesus himself—not as a means of salvation, but as outward signs of the salvation we have by faith
We believe in the coming restoration of all things, where God—in accordance with his power and promises—will one day bring his purposes for all of creation to their glorious fulfillment. Here, God’s handiwork will be fully restored in a new heaven and new earth. We believe that all of God’s redemptive purposes will come to fruition, and death will be swallowed up in victory.